Also it easy/quick to confirm values of trig functions, so this is really useful for students, teachers, developers and etc.
*** Features ***
- Visual trig functions!
- Comfortable moving for calculations!
- Great lists(sin,cos,tan,csc,sec,cot)
- Images for wave graphs
*** 特徴 ***

*** How to use it ***
[ Calc ]You can drag a radius line between 0 to 90 degrees, and if you do that, it will move to be based on "Radius" and "Angle".
Also you can set any numbers up to text fields with segmented buttons. Such as if you edit Text1 with "X" button and Text2 with "Y" button, the triangle view will change to be based on "X" and "Y".
Which means, there are 6 cases.
( Radius - Angle )
( Radius - X )
( Radius - Y )
( Angle - X )
( Angle - Y )
( X - Y )
[ List ]
No need to explain about it. Just scroll it.
Oh, wait. You can change these values if you tap column names, like below...
Degrees --- Radian
sin --- csc(cosec)
cos --- sec
tan --- cot
[ Wave ]
There are 2 graphs, so if you tap the button of bottom right, the graph will change another one.
(sin, cos, tan) --- (csc, sec, cot)
Also you can tap anywhere for checking degrees and values.
*** つかいかた ***
--- 計算 ---画面上をドラッグすることで、三角形を変形させることができます。この操作では「斜辺」と「角度」を元に X・Y の値が計算されます。
例:テキスト1を X、テキスト2を Y とした場合
X と Y の値から角度と斜辺が計算され、三角形がそれに従って変形します。
( 斜辺 と 角度 )
( 斜辺 と X )
( 斜辺 と Y )
( 角度 と X )
( 角度 と Y )
( X と Y )
--- リスト ---
角度 --- ラジアン値
正弦(sin) --- 余割(csc)
余弦(cos) --- 正割(sec)
正接(tan) --- 余接(cot)
--- 波形 ---